
Emery Smith: I’ve Worked With Alien Spaceships That Would Change The World As We Know It

  Emery Smith: I’ve Worked With Alien Spaceships That Would Change The World As We Know It Emery Smith, former Air Force field medic, also known as the “Black Project whistleblower”, alleges he worked in a deep underground biological facility located in the USA. Emery has provided detailed accounts of autopsying over 3,000 alien specimens, and over 1200 nearly complete bodies. As a result, we are gaining new intel about the massive number of alien species we share our universe with. Smith claims work is taking place on extraterrestrial technology harvested from alien beings and their crashed or captured spaceships which would change the world as we know it. In 1990, after going through junior military programs in high school, Emery became active duty in the USAF, stationed at Lackland AFB in San Antonio, Texas. He went on to Kirtland AFB in New Mexico, where he worked on and off-base at UNM Hospital as a surgical assist and paramedic. In a YouTube video, he makes a number of incred...

Corey Goode - Video and message (Short update), September 2021

COREY GOODE THE COSMIC INSIDER (Wistleblower)        Corey Goode, described as the “insider’s insider,” is a Secret Space Program whistleblower & contacte, film producer & content creator based on his over 20 years experience in Unacknowledged Special Access Programs including “Project Solar Warden”, A Navy Secret Space Program that patrols our solar system and beyond. Beginning in 2014 Corey has experienced increased physical contact with ET & inner earth civilizations that prepared him to be a messenger of the importance of spiritual focus and inner work during Earth’s transition into higher density consciousness, which has already begun. Retaining many insider contacts, Corey was credited as the first to leak Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) documents verifying the Pentagon’s UFO investigative unit, disclosed in 2017. (Source: ) Short update from Corey Goode - September 2021: ( Corey Goode sho...

Ascension Summit 2021

  David Wilcock with Corey Goode at The Ascension Summit 2021 David Wilcock showed up at the Ascension Summit 2021 Conference (Colorado Springs, Co) and gave a surprise talk to attendees. To see the rest of the conference please visit: for more information on my projects. New Docuseries coming out on a major platform in Jan 2022. Go to to get on our mailing list for exciting new announcements! You are invited to view this awesome ascensio video!

SSP Alliance Updates Resume – Dark Fleet, Earth, Moon & Mars Briefings - by Corey Goode& Michael Salla

  SSP Alliance Updates Resume - Dark Fleet, Earth, Moon and Mars Briefings Dr. Salla and Corey Goode discuss the latest SSP Alliance Briefings. TELEGRAM CHANNEL: SBA - Ascension Works TV - ​ On the SphereBeing Alliance Youtube Channel of Corey Goode: SSP Alliance Updates Resume – Dark Fleet, Earth, Moon & Mars Briefings WRITTEN BY DR MICHAEL SALLA ON MAY 7, 2021. POSTED IN FEATURED , INTEVIEWS , SPACE PROGRAMS Below is a video featuring an interview with Corey Goode about the latest Secret Space Programs (SSP) Alliance updates. Corey describes being taken on board a Mayan SSP craft where he met with his long time contact, Gonzales, who briefed him on the current situation on the Earth, Moon and Mars, activities of the Dark Fleet, and what is happening outside of our solar system. The situation in our solar system is one of heavy repression and lockdowns as the Interplanetary Corporate Con...

Dezvăluirea Cosmică: Progrese moderne de la ET tech (tehnologia extraterestră) - Sezonul 13, Episodul 4 - 2019

  Dezvăluirea Cosmică: Progrese moderne de la ET tech (tehnologia extraterestră) George Noory & Emery Smith Sezonul 13, Episodul 4 12 martie, 2019 Emisiune difuzată pe GAIA George Noory : Pe “Dezvăluirea Cosmică“, am auzit despre toate tipurile de tehnologii extraterestre diferite (ET) de la prietenul nostru Emery Smith, dar astăzi, va discuta cu noi despre diferite tipuri de dispozitive extraterestre. Emery, bine ați revenit. Emery Smith: Mulțumesc pentru invitație, George. George: Acum, când aud “dispozitive extraterestre”, mă gândesc la Star Trek și la acea baghetă pe care o avea doctorul. Despre ce vorbim aici?   (Scanner Header Pro Scenar World C.C. 3.0) (Cap de scanare Pro Scenar World C.C. 3.0) Emery: Ei bine, aceasta face parte dintr-un dispozitiv de frecvență care este realizat de fapt pentru utilizarea civilă generală. Se numește energia Cosmodică Scenar. Și ceea ce face este: e capabilă, ca și mașina Rife, să utilizeze frecvența pentru a echilibra celulele și...

Dezvăluirea Cosmică: Ființe de Lumină inter-dimensionale - Sezonul 12, Episodul 4

  Dezvăluirea Cosmică: Ființe de Lumină inter-dimensionale George Noory & Emery Smith Sezonul 12, Episodul 4 18 septembrie, 2018 Emisiune difuzată pe GAIA George Noory : Bine ați venit la “Dezvăluirea cosmică”. Sunt gazda voastră, George Noory, și mă aflu aici cu Emery Smith. Ființe inter-dimensionale: Sunt stafii? Sunt extratereștrii? Ce sunt exact? Emery Smith. Bine ați revenit. Emery Smith: Mulțumesc, George George: Emery, când vorbim despre ființe inter-dimensionale, despre ce discutăm? Emery: Vorbim despre o rasă de ființe cu sute de milioane de ani în avans față de noi, care au reușit deja să stăpânească cum să își schimbe forma. Li se permite să își schimbe atomii și fotonii din jur pentru a lua orice formă își doresc și să călătorească în timp și spațiu. Pot trece de la un corp de lumină la corpul 3D. Își pot schimba frecvența după bunul plac, pentru a trece în altă dimensiune. Pot intra gradual, pot ieși gradual, pot sângera înspre interior sau în afară din multiple...